22 Jul Ultrasound Life Support Basic
A course on Point-of-care ultrasound designed for intensivists, anesthesiologists and emergency physicians.
The concept of ‘critical ultrasound’ evolved recently from ’emergency ultrasound’ performed at the ‘point-of-care’ in scenarios such as emergency departments, ICUs, pre-hospital care, austere environments, disaster scenes, tactical operations, and humanitarian care missions.
Clinical scenarios turn into ‘critical’ ones when there is a dangerous performance gap between the patient status and the resources available for an appropriate decision making and problem solving.
In such settings ultrasound point-of-care image acquisition and interpretation, integrated with advanced life support protocols (ACLS, ATLS) according ‘ABCDE’ and ‘Head-to-toes’ –type approaches, allows for rapid and effective decision making, enhanced triage, diagnosis, therapy, monitoring, and follow up. Nowadays, that’s approach is also known as ‘Ultrasound Life Support’.
Based on the whole body ABCDE Ultrasound Approach to the critical Patient (Neri L et al. CRIT CARE MED 2007)