Focused Cardiac Ultrasound

A course on Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (FoCUS) specifically designed for Intensive, Critical Care, Emergency Physicians and Anesthesiologists. The course is targeted at physicians who are new to cardiac ultrasound, and covers the use of limited Transthoracic Echocardiography in the setting of cardiac arrest/peri-resuscitation, and as a screening tool for the unstable patient in the ICU/emergency.
It might also be of interest to more Echocardiography-experienced clinicians wishing to make their assessment of the critical patient more effective.

The course (formerly known as Winfocus Basic Echo, WBE) has reached its 120th edition since 2008, being delivered in more than 40 countries worldwide.
Its content is conform to the proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Focused Cardiac UltraSound (Via G. International Evidence-Based Recommendations for Focused Cardiac Ultrasound – J AM SOC ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY 2014).
As additional benefit, It prepares for WINFOCUS WBE international certification.

The new flipped classroom format entails an e-Course as pre-requisite to the workshop [see Demo Lecture at:]. This content is made available also after the workshop for consolidating FoCUS competencies and skills. Six hours of hands-on training will be provided during the 1 day workshop, with a guaranteed trainer to trainee ratio of no greater than 1 to 5. Language of formal lectures of the course and e-Learning will be ENGLISH.

An overall 5 hours hands-on training will be provided during the 1 day workshop, with a granted trainer to trainee ratio of max 1:5

Next edition: Genève, December 3rd 2022
CHF 900
